Episode #24 The Art of Li

How do you build a bomb-proof support network for yourself as you get ready to go freelance? What sorts of revenue streams fit well into a career as a freelance illustrator? How can we build resiliency and diversity into our careers so we don’t have to depend on one thing to pay all the bills?

Our guest this week is Li

After about a decade working at a mid-sized PC gaming studio as a 2D digital artist, Li quit his nine-to-five office job at the end of 2019 to pursue a freelance and merch business.
While streaming was never meant to be the main income source for his business, he has made Twitch a good portion of his focus and developed a community that he is extremely proud of, along with wonderful, enduring friendships.

Personal site - https://www.artofli.com/

ArtStation - https://www.artstation.com/jueli

Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/art_of_li

Coming soon: lorgepanda.com

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for more information about the podcast and future guests please visit https://www.jobydorr.com/artcondition

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