Episode #29 Worldbuilding and The Creation of Mouse Guard w/ David Petersen

How do you build a personal project into a highly successful I.P.? How do you protect yourself and your business when partnering with large investors and studios who want to license your work? How do you handle the transition when your deeply personal work becomes a cultural icon?

This week we are talking to

David Petersen, creator of the comic Mousegaurd

David Petersen was born and raised in Flint, Michigan where he climbed trees, built forts, and made up stories in his mind and on paper. Later he graduated from Eastern Michigan University with a BFA in Printmaking. David's New York Times Bestselling and award-winning Graphic Novel series Mouse Guard is published in 15 languages and has a popular Role-Playing Game based on the comics. He's done comic covers for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Usagi Yojimbo, The Dark Crystal, The Locke & Key, and The Muppets. David and his wife Julia reside in Michigan with their Anatolian Shepherds “Bronwyn” and "Coco".

Website - http://mouseguard.net/

Store: mouseguard.bigcartel.com

Twitter - https://twitter.com/mouseguard

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mouseguard/

Twitch: http://twitch.tv/davidpetersen

Plotmasters - https://www.theplotmasters.com/