How to Get Art Commissions: The Complete Guide

You might dream of having a creative career where you can do what you love and get paid doing it. If you love painting, drawing and creating things from your own mind, being an artist might be a right fit for you. Would you like to create artwork and get paid?

To land art commissions, master marketing via social media and online marketplaces. Charge fair prices based on industry standards, and value your time and skill. Believe in your worth and unique style. Confidence attracts clients who appreciate quality.

If you think that you are interested in becoming an artist and making money off of commissions, then this article will help you inform you about what steps you need to take to start making art commissions. Read on to learn about earning art commissions. 

How Do Art Commissions Work?

Art commissions involve making a contractual agreement with a client to create a custom piece of art for them, such as website designs, book covers, or paintings. When you accept a commission, it's important to set expectations for yourself and the client, including an estimated completion date and clear communication throughout the process.

It's common practice to request a partial payment up front, especially when the piece is personalized and cannot be sold to another client. Asking for a partial or full payment before beginning work can ensure that the client is committed to paying for the final product and help you manage your finances as an artist.

This is most important when the design is customized entirely to an individual, therefore not sellable to any other client. For example, family portraits or artwork depicting a specific property.

Finally, believing in your own value and setting fair pricing is essential for success in the commission-based art market. Research industry standards and consider your level of expertise and time invested when setting your rates. Confidently communicating your value to potential clients can attract those who appreciate your unique style and talent.

How Do I Start Art Getting Commissions?

To start commissioning art you will need to network through social media, galleries, friends and resources to get your business going. Making sure that you are getting yourself and business out there.

The trick to getting commissions is to be noticed, this means you network for yourself. If you have friends or family they can also share your artwork and portfolio that you create so that it gets the attraction. 

Find a group of peers who are like minded and working toward similar goals. The best thing you can do to set yourself up for success is become as educated as possible on the business trends of your product and talking to your peers is the most effective way to gain these insights.

Art Commission Prices: How Much Should I Charge for Art Commissions?

When selling art commissions, pricing is a critical aspect to consider. Pricing too low may result in you not making a profit or earning a living wage. To prevent this, you need to consider several factors. First, consider the cost of your supplies, such as paint, canvas, and brushes. Next, add a small percentage to account for taxes, healthcare, emergencies, and other expenses.

Please click here to read an article I wrote all about how to charge for your art.

I will repeat again here, and throughout this blog that finding a group of peers to associate with is essential. Understanding how and why your fellow artists charge what they do will help you in invaluable ways

If you are just starting to offer commissions it can be difficult to determine how much you should charge. Even though it is not necessary or even advantageous to price your strictly work by the hour, this can be a good method for creating a rough idea of pricing. You should add on the cost of materials to the hourly rate. If you are dealing with a gallery, you must always remember to include any percentages that a gallery will take from your total sales. 

Keep in mind that almost no one lives on commissions alone. Most likely commissions will be one of many revenue streams you maintain. That being said, your estimation for pricing should proceed as if they where your only income.

Here is an example of how you can calculate your pricing:

  • Start with a minimum living wage as your baseline.

  • Do not base a living wage on your local area. You are in a global market and Your peers are international industry professionals, not other local artists. Thus, if you live in a developing country with a relatively low standard of living there is no reason not to use the living wage of your higher paid, western peers. otherwise you are selling yourself short and exploiting yourself.

  • Assuming you are a beginner, let’s you pay yourself $12 an hour to start off with and it takes you around four hours to complete, then multiply the 12 by four and that give you  48

  • Then if the materials cost you $30  you will add this on to the 48

  • This would total you out at $78, so you would charge around $78 for the piece

  • In the western, developed nations 35$ per hour is an industry standard for junior illustrators. If you are just starting out, aim for raising your prices to that level as soon as you can.

  • A good indicator of when you should raise prices is how busy you are. As you gain reputation, speed, and skill you will get more work and be busier. If you have more work than you can finish in one month, then double your rates.

It's important to be transparent with your clients about the pricing and what they are paying for. They should understand the value they are receiving for the price they are paying. By providing quality work, setting a reasonable price, and communicating with your clients, you can establish a reputation for yourself and attract new customers.

Lastly, never forget that your work and your time have value. Your time invested matters, you should estimate the time it will take and consider that into your price. If it is a commission that can be completed quickly then not much time is invested. If you are working long hours, weekends and as often as you can so that it gets done you clearly are putting a lot of time into it, which would make the price higher.

How Do I Sell My Art Commissions?

There are multiple ways that you can sell your art commissions. Selling your art commissions could depend on you and how willing you are to do the leg work. 

I will repeat again that your peers are a valuable resource when finding ways to get your art seen and sold online. Talking to others about their successes and failure will equip you with necessary skills.

It can be difficult to get your business noticed initially and take a lot of work to draw the views in. Keep reading to learn about some platforms you can use to sell your art and start making a commission. 

Selling on Etsy

You can also sell art commissions on the internet through sites such as Etsy. Etsy allows you to create a store online where people can go and see the items you have for sale. 

They are able to purchase items through the site and then you will ship the items to them. There are other sites on the internet that are also similar to Etsy, Etsy is just a go to website for entrepreneurs

Social Media Platforms 

You can create social media pages on Facebook and Instagram that promote your upcoming business and show your work. This means that you can advertise your artwork through creating an online portfolio and posting your items for sale. 

Social media makes advertising your business easier. You can pay for social media apps to promote your business as well which will assist with getting views to your account and art.

People that find your pages can order through: 

  • Messaging you directly and completing the purchase process through you. 

  • You can create a website and provide the link so that a person can go from your social media account directly to the website. 

Providing multiple options for someone to purchase your art, can make the client more comfortable. This makes the person have options, and people love options. 

Your Own Website

Having your own website that you create and update can be beneficial. You should create your artist biography to tell people about yourself, how you got into this field and show them your work. This allows the people interested to get to know the artist. 

Your website can feature previous artwork to show your talent and current artwork that you have for sale. You can also utilize your website to advertise that you will create personal art for someone and for them to contact you in reference to this option. 

The greatest advantage of maintaining your own website is that you own it! It will never be victim to changing user policies, terms and contracts, etc. you have full control over the content and unless the world ends, it will always be there!

Familiarize yourself with SEO content, start a blog and work to funnel all traffic from any other platforms your share art on to your personal website.


Placing your art into galleries and stores with high traffic can assist with bringing in art commissions. When you place art into these businesses and galleries all types of people will encounter it. Choosing where you have your artwork displayed is essential. Certain demographic areas are more conducive to Art, such as big cities and resort areas.

You can provide art to these locations that individuals can purchase directly.

  • It also can be beneficial to have some form of about me item in the gallery or store near your art you are selling

  • It is always a good means for future sales, to have your business cards available where your art is displayed

People are often drawn to your art work but may prefer to have it personally customized to fit their style and location of where it possibly could hang. This makes commissioning art a popular way to acquire art work. 

Having an “about me” item allows the individuals viewing your art to learn about you. You can provide information about you and contact information. You can advertise that you create personal commissions for people through avenues such as your social media accounts and website so that potential clients are able to view this after they leave the store or gallery. 

How Long Should an Art Commission Take?

The time it takes to complete an art commission varies depending on the artist creating it. As an artist creating commissions, it's essential to consider the length of time you would be comfortable waiting for something you requested to be created. You don't want to make a client wait too long for their commission. The size and complexity of the commission also affect the time it takes to complete it.

In addition to time, communication with your client is crucial to ensure a successful commission. Providing updates and involving them in the creation process can make them feel valued and included. Regular communication also helps to avoid misunderstandings and ensures that the final product meets the client's expectations. As a result, maintaining good communication and managing expectations can help build long-term relationships with clients and boost your business.

How Do You Get Art Commissions on Instagram?

When it comes to social media you can promote your business through a wide range of people and countries. Social media such as Instagram allows you to post things where either certain people can see it or anyone that has an instagram account can see it, depending on your settings. 

Instagram can be a good networking option for an artist due to the high traffic of the site. 

  • To start out with if you create an instagram page in reference to your art you will have to work to obtain followers

  • This means having friends share the page, reaching out to people and putting in the work to get noticed

Once you get your instagram page up and running you can post your artwork you create to show people your style, designs and talent. When you advertise your art people who are interested can purchase it through messaging you on your page. The more exposure you have the better your commissions will be. 

Is My Art Good Enough to Sell?

Art is a form of expression that allows you to showcase the beauty of something in your own personal way. It's not just about what it looks like, but also how it connects with people on an emotional level. No matter what you create, there will always be someone out there who appreciates and values it enough to want to buy it from you.

Don’t try and sell your art to EVERYONE. Find the people who love it for what it is and love you for your story and sell to them. focus on the right part of your audience rather than trying to find the largest audience possible

Once again, your peers and associates are very valuable for this reason. Peers and mentors will help you understand your value and find your audience. Feedback is the greatest thing for your work and will help you achieve success faste rthan anything else

Even if some people may not fully understand your artwork, there will always be someone who understands and appreciates the concept and message behind it. It's important to keep in mind that your art may not be for everyone, but that doesn't mean it's not valuable or worthwhile.

As an artist, it's essential to remember that you have a unique mindset and creative vision. Never doubt your talents, as your art reflects your unique perspective and voice. By staying true to your vision and style, you will be able to attract customers who appreciate and connect with your art. Building relationships with your customers and providing excellent customer service can also help you cultivate a loyal customer base and establish a successful art career.

How to Do Art Commissions Without Paypal

There are many options for receiving payments on your commissions that you create. You do not have to utilize just paypal as a form to ensure that you get paid. 

As the world evolves, it provides more options every year to be paid in different ways. They create new apps, sites and companies that make software to protect your money and allow safe transfers to another person. For example you could utilize the following forms of payment:

  • Cash App

  • Venmo

  • Apple Pay

  • Cash

  • Checks

  • Money orders

This is just a short list of options that you can use other than paypal, the new age technology makes it easier for people to receive payments online. It will depend on what form of payment you are comfortable with and if you trust certain avenues. 

If you do not want to utilize online payment options there are still the basic payment forms. These could be cash, check or money orders. This could be a better option for clients that you deal with face to face versus online or shipping to them. 

Can You Live Off of Art Commissions?

I wont lie to you: it is extremely difficult and unlikely that you will live solely off money made from commissions. But dont feel bad. this is true for almost any revenue stream that artists generate.

Being an independent artist is defined by being able to create multiple revenue streams that work for you.

To be able to master living off of art commissions you will have to work hard at it. This means that you will have to dedicate your time to creating your art and mark in the art world. One word: Marketing

Are Fan Art Commissions Legal?

Many many artists make good money doing commissions of fan art from very popular IP’s

This is a bit of a grey area and I cant give legal advice about this specifically. I can say that many artists do fine and as long as you arent doing something crazy like mass producing pictures of Mickey Mouse, you will probably be ok. But always do your own research!

Click here to listen to a podcast episode I made with Lauren Walsh, all about making fan art

If you are completing your own art commissions and designs then it is legal. Art commissions created by a person that do not have a copyright or trademarks are perfectly fine to sell. This means things that you create yourself, that were not another person's idea that they already made and claimed.

If something has a trademark or copyright on it then it is illegal and you should avoid this. Creating content that is illegal can hurt your business and cause legal issues for yourself. Causing legal issues for yourself regarding your business can lead to your business not thriving and losing your dedicated clients. 

The best rule of thumb is to create your own content and art from your mind, not someone else's ideas. 

Can Minors Do Art Commissions?

Depending on the state that you live in laws can be different and vary when involving minors. A Majority of states deem that it is not okay for minors to do work until a certain age. This can be working in restaurants and other jobs that require intensive labor.

When it comes to commission work parents can have contracts involving their children. They will have to sign for the minor and ensure that they understand what their child will be required to do and is capable of. 

Please seek professional legal advice if you have any questions.

How Do You Deal with Difficult clients?

When it comes to working with clients as an artist, it's important to be prepared for the possibility of difficult clients. Before beginning any project, make sure you thoroughly communicate the details of the project to the client to ensure that they are fully aware of what to expect and any potential issues can be addressed ahead of time.

When dealing with a difficult client, it's crucial to maintain proper communication and professionalism. Even if the client is being difficult, it's important to take a breath and respond calmly, rather than reacting emotionally. Remember that being rude to a client can have negative consequences, such as receiving bad reviews that could harm your business.

It's also important to keep in mind that the client's vision may not always align perfectly with your own interpretation of the project. In order to avoid misunderstandings, it's important to communicate that the art is unique to the artist and flows from within. Additionally, it's helpful to provide the client with a standard idea of the final product so they can have a better understanding that it may not be exactly as they envisioned.

Lastly, excellent customer service is key to building a successful art commission business. Be responsive to your clients and keep them updated throughout the project, answering any questions or concerns they may have promptly. By going the extra mile to provide exceptional service, you can build a loyal client base and establish a positive reputation within the art community.

Final Thoughts

Creating art is an  important staple in the world, which is why it appears in many forms.  Artists create things that you may not think about, such as the small drawings you see daily to the large masterpieces in galleries.

If you are artistically minded and love doing art, do not miss out on the chance to make money and do what you enjoy!